
Change the Guest Portal password and email administrator

    To run this module you need to watch this video to setup your gmail account with 2 factor authentication (required.) This script will list your WLANs, generate a new random password, PUT the password into your guest portal and send the administrator and email with the new password.  This was written as generic...

Fun Comparing RSSI example (Mac)

I wrote a simple script to get the current RSSI from my Macbook Pro and using the Mist API to get the RSSI associated with my MAC address and run continuously.  You will need to ^c to break out of the script.  Keep in mind the Mist AP reports its stats every 60 seconds or...

Fun Comparing RSSI example (Windows)

I wrote a simple script to get the current Signal Quality percentage (not RSSI) from a Windows 10 laptop and using the Mist API to get the RSSI associated with my MAC address and run continuously. You will need to ^c to break out of the script. Keep in mind the Mist AP reports its...

Make sure you test in a safe place

Up to now we have been doing GET operations.  Now we are going to start changing things with PUT operations and you will make mistakes as you learn.  You might want to create another Mist Org for your testing.  In this case I was changing Guest Portal and I made mistake. So when I went...

Mist API Sample Class

This is an API class done for a webinar that covers the basic API structure with some simple examples.

Paged AP Inventory [API]

When using API calls to view all APs, you may paginate the list to indicate the current page and maximum number of objects returned in each page.  This is for an effort to support sites with very large AP inventories. Please refer to our API document (Mist login required) for the usage: An example...

Setting up 2 factor auth and getting an APP key for gmail

This video will walk you through the steps to enable a gmail account to use and APP password instead of your regular password.  This will be needed if you want to create your own notifications with he Mist API and send e-mail from a python script.  It is meant to walk you through the process...

Simple API example

See If You’re Logged in Already Get ‘whoami’ and privileges (which organization and sites I have access to) GET /api/v1/self For my test account, it returned: This is because I ran it in a new tab on a browser which I’m currently logged in to.

SLE API Documentation

Monitoring the Mist Service Level Experience (SLE) API Documentation: Many endpoints used on the Mist WiFi Service Levels dashboard can be found in the API docs: (requires valid login) or Those endpoints which may not be found in the API docs are noted below. Metrics/Classifiers: Mist SLEs support metrics and classifiers. Metrics track...