List of Dashboards

Wireless Dashboards

Premium Analytics includes seven built-in dashboards under the Wireless category, offering rich long-term insights on various aspects of wireless clients and network performance. The following table lists the key insights available in various dashboards Dashboard Name Description Wireless Network Insights This dashboard provides insights on Organization wide SLE and Traffic Trends Client Distribution by Device-type,...

Wired Dashboards

There are five built-in dashboards under the Wired category, offering long-term insights on wired network service levels, switch performance and traffic metrics. The following table lists the key insights available in various dashboards Type Description Wired Network Insights This dashboard provides insights on Switch SLE Metrics Traffic metrics of Wired network by Site, Switch, Port,...

WAN Dashboards

There are two built-in dashboards available in the WAN category that deliver long-term insights on the performance and utilization of an organization’s WAN network, related to service levels of sites, links, traffic, and application metrics. Dashboard Name Description WAN Insights – SRX This dashboard provides insights on WAN SLE Metrics for SRX Network Link metrics...

Location Dashboards

Under the location category, the PMA (Premium Analytics) service includes four built-in dashboards that offer insights such as space occupancy, user visits, user dwell times, repeat visits, and location history. The table below lists all the key capabilities of these dashboards. Dashboard Name Description Engagement Analytics This dashboard provides insights on Visitor footfall metrics Monthly...

Other Dashboards

This category includes Audit-logs and Inventory dashboards Dashboard Name Description Audit Logs This dashboard assists with the long-term storage of audit logs and generates insights on the top actions by user and type Inventory This dashboard contains details of organization-wide hardware, subscriptions, and firmware versions The sample screenshots are shown below.