Create a Local Python Environment

Overview Install Python 3 following the installation guide: https://docs.python-guide.org/starting/installation OS X Install HomeBrew Go to http://brew.sh. Copy the Homebrew bootstrap code under “Install Homebrew”. Launch the Terminal.app application to open a console window. Paste the Homebrew bootstrap code and begin the installation. If prompted to install Apple’s “command line developer tools,” confirm by clicking the Install button. Follow the prompts...

Setting up a Python environment using ATOM

There are many tools you can use to code in Python.  I found ATOM to be very straightforward and this youtube video to be very helpful setting things up on my Mac.  It will take about a 1/2 hour, but it is time well spent if you want to start working with the sample code...

Using ATOM to write a simple script

I’ve used my postman knowledge to learn how to work with the Mist API.  Now I’ve taken some basic Python knowledge to print out the WLANs in my home organization.  This template can be used to print out administrators, clients, AP’s or anything you want! And I ran the script on my MAC. This is...