Upgrading WAN Edge SRX

WAN Edge devices connected to Mist can be upgraded from the cloud. To schedule a device to download and upgrade to a specified version, navigate to your WAN Edge device page. From the utilities menu, select ‘Upgrade Firmware’ to initiate the upgrade operation.

In the ‘Upgrade device firmware’ screen, there are several options for upgrading the SRX firmware.

In the “Upgrade to Version” dropdown, select the version you wish to upgrade to.

Once a version of firmware is upgraded on the SRX device, a reboot will cause the new firmware to become running. If you wish to manually perform a device reboot to begin running the new version, uncheck “Reboot device after upgrade“.

Finally, once you have read and accepted the End User License Agreement, select the “Schedule Download and Upgrade” button at the bottom. Your scheduled download and upgrade operation is now saved.

As the download and upgrade operation is sent to the device, you can monitor progress by visiting the WAN Edges page for the site.

To see detailed events about the operation, visit the WAN Edge Events in the device insights page.

HA Considerations

Both SRX devices in a WAN Edge cluster will be automatically upgraded and rebooted at the same time.