SSID Scheduling

SSID Scheduling allows you to customize your WLAN by choosing the exact days and times to broadcast the SSID.  This scheduling function allows users to add multiple time ranges for each day.

To use SSID Scheduling, navigate to Network > WLANS and either create a new one or click into an existing one to edit.  Find the SSID Scheduling box and select Enabled. Here, you can set the desired schedule by selecting the days of the week which need scheduling.  Set your time range and click Add to enable additional time ranges for that day.

Lights On with solid fillAn example use case for this feature would be a classroom with multiple classes throughout each day but break periods in between some of these classes.  You can enable the SSID for all the times when there are classes being taught and disable the SSID during break periods.

Currently when setting an SSID schedule the APs radios will restart, so only make scheduling changes when there are not a lot of users on the network to limit the impact.  This issue has been resolved in firmware 0.5x or later.