RFGlasses for Troubleshooting

RFGlasses is probably one of the coolest Mist innovations ever. When people work with location and have the classic ‘my blue dot isn’t working’ we created this tool so you can visualize exactly what is going on with that client.  Keep in mind the SDK is reporting to the cloud the ‘beams’ it hears every second as well as sensor fusion data.  That gets processed on the Mist backend and an x,y is sent back to the device.

If this isn’t working as expected RFGlasses is a very powerful troubleshooting tool.

      • First in the live view please make sure “show App Clients” is clicked.  This is anything running the Mist SDK.


  • Pick the device (running the SDK you want to troubleshoot.

  • After a small delay (your spinning up your own Microservice) you will see the RFglasses for this device.  Note you have the option to record the session.  Please watch the video below to understand what your seeing.

  • And you have access to your recordings here and you can send them to Mist Support for analysis if you need help


This is very cool – you may want to watch it twice – lots of info!



App Clients

Live view → Clients → Select the App Client of Interest → Open RF Environment

Note: App clients will display in Blue color

In RF environment we can see that App Client is displaying as circular dot object with direction and all AP’s displaying as Square objects, AP Beams RSSI Values also getting displayed w.rt to App client.if you move around with app client then will move according to physical movement of App Client and RSSI values will get updated according to App Client mobility & direction.

In Real time if you observe any mobility issue then first open RF environment and check RSSI values ,if always values are very bad then there is some problem in location deployment if values are not updating then there is some problem in AP FW or App Client is not listening to APs beams.


BLE Assets

Live view → Assets→ Select the BLE Asset of Interest → Open RF Environment

In RF environment we can see that BLE Asset is displaying as circular dot object and all AP’s displaying as Square objects, AP Beams RSSI Values also getting displayed w.rt to BLE Asset.if you move around with BLE Asset then dot will move according to physical movement of BLE Asset and RSSI values will get updated according to BLE Asset mobility & direction.

In Real time if you observe any mobility issue then first open RF environment and check RSSI values ,if values are very bad then there is some problem in location deployment and if values are not updating then there is some problem in AP FW may be AP is not listening to BLE packets coming from BLE Assets.