Guest Access

Regarding Social Login with Google Sign In

Updated January 2022 Please note Google has changed the behavior for Google Sign In for the domain.  Users are no longer able to sign in via the “pop up” browser.  Based on testing, custom domains are no yet impacted.  We recommend using another sign in provider if you intend for users to sign...

Sponsored Guest Access

The Mist Captive Portal can be customized with a range of authorization options to cater to your specific needs as a network administrator.  Sponsored guest access offers more security by authorizing the users attempting to login using the portal. The authorization is achieved by approval of user connections by any sponsors within your organization or...

Wireless Guest Access

. Network admins usually want to create a separate wireless network to support guests to connect to a wireless network for access to the internet. Guest Access can provide network admins a simple way to provide temporary restricted access to the guests on their wireless networks. The goal should be to create a guest or...