Dartmouth Builds the Network of the Future

Dartmouth’s implementation of an AI-driven enterprise  from Mist and Juniper has revolutionized the network experience for both the IT department and students, faculty, staff, and guests.


“The field of AI research was founded at a workshop held on the Dartmouth College campus during the summer of 1956. Those who attended would become the leaders of AI research for decades, and many of them predicted that a machine as intelligent as a human being would exist in no more than a generation.

Given that history, an AI-driven network is a natural fit for the college, and it has resulted in quicker connections, fewer dropouts, less downtime and, if something does go wrong, a much easier and quicker process to determine the problem’s cause and repair it.

The benefits extend across both wireless and wired networks, which is important to deliver a solid online experience for our users, customers, clients, and partners.”

— Mitch Davis, CIO Dartmouth as published by EDUCAUSE.