August 10th 2017 Updates

We at Mist are constantly working on making the Mist experience the best possible experience. So every week you will see new and updated Cloud Features. Here are the updates for August 10, 2017.

Network Programmability

Webhooks (Beta Access)

Webhooks are an intuitive method of collecting data by having real-time events push their information onto a provided URL.  Triggering webhook events will automatically send and store relevant details for data analysis.  Mist is excited to introduce Webhooks capabilities for specific API topics:

  • Location Coordinates
  • Zone Entry and Exit Events
  • Virtual Beacon Entry and Exit Events
  • Raw Data for Named Assets – RSSI & Payload

Zone and Virtual Beacon data is pushed any time a client enters or exits one of these areas.  Details of the asset (Beam ID, Raw RSSI heard, and average RSSI heard) is sent through webhooks via API at regular intervals of less than 1 second. In addition, when using the Location Coordinates with webhooks API, you will be able to get the full payload information for a BLE named asset.

Access Webhooks through Organization -> Site Configurations.  Here, select the specific events and data you want to trigger API pushes to your provided URL.


WLAN features: RadSec implementation

This week, Mist is expanding our WLAN capabilities with the introduction of RadSec authentication.  RadSec is a protocol which allows RADIUS servers to transfer data over TCP and TLS for increased security.  With RadSec capabilities, you can transfer RADIUS packets through roaming environments while still ensuring end-to-end security through the transport layer.  This feature is configurable through using our Mist API, which can be found here:

To use RadSec on your networks, please follow these steps:

  1. Enable RadSec in your WLAN as the authentication type – once “radsec” is enabled, auth_servers, acct_servers, and coa_server will be ignored.

  1. Configure and add your CA certs to Org Settings – We use this to verify the RadSec server.

  1. Get the Mist-generated per-org CA cert.


If you would like access to beta features, please contact and we can help grant you access.